
Monday, May 12, 2014

Wrong Roads

Recently, I've learned that sometimes, you have to take the wrong road so you can be sure of the right one. This can apply in relationships, career choices, new ideas, etc. When you've learned that you're not on the wrong road, don't feel discouraged. This might be the Lords way of showing you that whatever comes next if the right choice for sure. You won't have to wonder. He loves us and teaches us with perfect lessons that are sure to bring us happiness. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thank You Jay

There are very few times in life that a person can think back and know what they were doing an entire year earlier. However, today was one of those days. A year ago, our community, our ward, and a wonderful family lost a very amazing person, Jay Winn. He probably would never admit or even really appreciate me calling him amazing but he was and he still is. I would say that I learned quite a great deal of my wonderful life lessons from him and his wife Ali. Both of them are amazing, influential people. He really believed in family; their influence and their importance. Something he said during a Sunday School lesson way back when I was in high school (thank you Rivka Paramore for writing this down) was that if he died tomorrow, it would be okay because he knew he was sealed to his family and that was really all that mattered. That has really stuck with me. This life is so short and as long as we are sealed and remain faithful, we will see our loved ones again. Ali and Jay also taught me what a good relationship should be like. The main thing is that they are crazy in love with each other. Many couples lose that spark over the years. They love their spouse but aren't as in love as they once were. I hope that I can find someone and we can be crazy in love forever. Through their example and many Sunday School and Young Women's classes, they also taught me how to work at relationships and that greatness is not achieved over night. There will be times that you fight and are angry with each other. However, always be the first to apologize, move on and do better and always make sure that your family knows how much you love them. Jay was also passionate about missionary work. We are even still seeing the effects of his missionary work in the members and new converts in our ward. Never pass up an opportunity to share the gospel. Never talk yourself out of sharing the gospel with someone you think wouldn't be interested. You never know. This life is so crucial. You don't really know what you'll leave people with people or what you will be remembered for. It's so important to always give people your best self. You'll grow in the process and as long as you are doing what Christ wants you to do, you will only become better. I wish I could thank Jay for helping my testimony grow so much and for being such a great example to me. I know I will get to thank him eventually though.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Paul Harvey "If I Were the Devil"

This is a great message from radio talk show host Paul Harvey. It's amazing how everything he said continues to grow more true as days and years go by. We need to stick to our moral values and not allow the messed up world to take over and change what we know to be true.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Here is a Mormon Message about the book I've been reading. We must always remember that we must cast our burdens before Christ. What a great message!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Let It Go

I recently started reading "Let it Go" by Chris Williams. The book, like the title implies, is about releasing your burdens and forgiveness. After his wife, 2 children, and their unborn son was taken from them in a car accident involving a young drunk driver, Chris immediately knows that he must forgive the young man. The book tells of his journey through forgiveness and learning how to let it go. He also talks about the important of service and kindness towards others. We gain power by our willingness to let Christ's light shine though us, illuminating the lives of others. He also inspires everyone to cast off the burdens they are carrying, pleading for greater faith in Jesus Christ to enjoy an added measure of His peace and mercy in our lives. It is a great book. I'm holding back tears with every page. It really makes me think of how often I forgive people and  how often I go out of my way serve others. If he can do it, so can I.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life's Journey

Everyone has embarked on their own journey and continues on their journey today. The decisions you make and the paths you take determine what your journey will be like and who you will become. In a talk given by the 2nd counselor in the general presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, President Deieter F. Uchtdorf, he speaks of our life journey. Have you ever wondered if you are on the right course? How about whether or not you are becoming the person you were designed to be and wanted to become? Are you making choices that ill help you to return to your Father in Heaven? This life journey is not meant to be traveled alone. Our Heavenly Father wants us to return home to Him. He has given us help along the way in the form of families, good friends, and faithful Church leaders. Along with those blessings, President Uchtdorf says that we have been "given a map that describes the terrain and identifies the dangers; the map shoes you where peace and happiness can be found and will help you plot your course back home." Where can this map be found? President Uchtdorf advises us to look in our sacred scriptures, study the words of our prophets and apostles, and through personal revelation that can only be given to us through the power of the Holy Ghost. Amid this journey, there will be distraction that will keep us of our desired path. Without a memory of your previous existence-without remembering that you once walked with your Father in Heaven- would you still recognize His voice amid all the noises and distractions of your mortal life? Every once and a while, step back and reevaluate your journey. What direction are you heading and what can you do to stay on your desired path? Use the map that Christ has given to us. Study it always. Remember that you are not alone. "Do not fear, for I the Lord am with you." As you are striving to continue on the right path, keep in mind the people surrounding you. Family, friends, strangers. Everybody. We are here to help each other. "Love one another, as I have loved you." Love brings about real change of character. It can penetrate hatred and dissolve envy. Don't let pride get the best of you. Know that you are not always right or that there are more than one way to be right. "Be of good cheer." Just be happy. Don't complain about the little things and don't even complain about the big things. President Uchtdorf says that happiness is the destination, but also the path. First and foremost, focus on keeping the Spirit with you at all times. As long as you are doing things to invite the Spirit into every aspect of your life, everything else will fall into place. Returning to live with our Savior is the goal. Never let any worldy problem get in the way of that wonderful glory. I encourage you to read the full talk here or watch the video here