
Friday, July 26, 2013

Enduring Love

Watch how this couple demonstrates pure love and service in their marriage- even though they have to endure debilitating physical adversity. We should always serve our spouses. It might be hard at times but it is a wonderful way you can show your love for your spouse.

Saving Your Marriage

A marriage, like a human life, is a precious, living thing. Spouses should exercise faith in Christ and love for each other to heal and strengthen their marriage relationship. 

The Administering of Angels

This is a great article about how we are never alone. Our ancestors who have passed on before us act as Heavenly Father's workers to help us deal with our daily lives. They help us get through trials, hard times, and heartache. We are never alone. As families, we must always protect and watch over each other in this life and the next.

click below
We Believe in the Ministering of Angels By Larry Barkdull

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great Quote

@kkoolook — Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No...

Power in Marriage

Power can be a great thing but more often than not, power can actually harm a relationship when not used appropriately. Power is being able to influence others without being influenced yourself. It's being able to influence someone in they way they feel, think, or act. This type of power has both pros and cons.

There are 5 main types of power in a marriage.
1. Coercive- you might to something that they spouse wants just to avoid punishment by the spouse
2. Reward- doing what your spouse wants just to obtain a reward
3. Legitimate- when the spouse and the right to ask you and you have the duty to comply
4. Referent- this is the identification with admiration of spouse and the desire to please your spouse.
5. Information- this involves persuasion by the souse that what they spouse wants i in your own best interest

So, some of these are fine but most of them aren't and all of them could be used in a bad way.

So don't use them! We need to all have a Syncratic marriage. Have a love that is together, equal, and reciprocated.

Here are some tips:

  • say "we" not "you" when addressing conflict
  • reverse your buts... I love you but you make me mad. You make me mad but I love you. Make sure the last thing they hear is, I love you. 

It's Okay to Be Vulnerable

There are some people believe that transparency and vulnerability are signs of weakness. They may have been hurt in the past and continue to struggle to mend their broken heart or they just might be really private. Whatever the case may be, being transparent and  vulnerable is beautiful. Allow people to see how you really are without all the guarding and secrets is a wonderful quality. It's okay to open up. It's okay to possibly get your heart broken. How else will we ever experience such great joy if we don't allow people into our lives? It is the only chance that we have to be loved. Don't be easy; be open. Nothing will ever happen to you if you remain in your guarded bubble. Happiness, opportunity, and love happen when you get out from your comfort zone.

Family Coping Methods

What does the coping of a swimming pool do?

This is the coping of a swimming pool. It's the rounded edge just above the water.

The coping is meant to protect the pool, people from hitting their head on a sharp edge, the water from splashing over as well as giving children something to hold onto when they get tired.

So, in a way, coping is a way of protecting and helping you. The best and most effective coping strategies involve changing the way we see things including our perspectives and values.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

But Sunday Will Come

Christ was crucified on a Friday. It was a dark day filled with sadness. People cried, mourned, and felt that nothing could ever get better. However, three days later, was Sunday. This was the day that Christ was resurrected. He came back with glory. People felt joy again. They were happy and it was a bright day.

Let's compare this to our lives. We've all had a dark Friday. We felt much sorrow and maybe didn't know how we would cope or move on. Some of us have been blessed to feel the brightness and warmth of a bright Sunday. Some of us haven't felt that warmth yet. Whatever your case may be, always know that Sunday will come. Everything will be okay; maybe different, but okay.

If the case is that you've lost a close loved one, always remember that they are still here. They are still watching over us and they will never leave. They are here to help us and to watch over us and keep us safe. Our Savior, Jesus Christ made all of this possible. What a blessing to know of the wonderful Plan of Happiness.

Here is a Mormon Message from a talk given by Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin called "Sunday Will Come." It is a great message!

Or watch it on YouTube here:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Family Crisis and Stress

Here is something I learned about stress... Your body needs stress to grow and be strong. If you think about it, that is really true. After you complete a good, hard work out, your body might ache a little the next day. That aching feelings proves to you that your muscles were challenged and from that, will grow and become stronger.

The symbol for crisis in Chinese is made up of the symbol of both danger and opportunity.

The A B C X Model
This model illustrates how family stress and crisis actually can be beneficial in the long run.
A represents the actual event
B represents both the resources and the responses
C represents the cognition
X represents the experience

So, A influences both B and C and together, B and C influence the actual outcome and experience which is X.

Now let's look at it on a broader spectrum

Now that you've had one crisis or large stress, you know what resources are available and you know how to react to the problem.

So, your previous experience will now influence your next experience.