
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Family Crisis and Stress

Here is something I learned about stress... Your body needs stress to grow and be strong. If you think about it, that is really true. After you complete a good, hard work out, your body might ache a little the next day. That aching feelings proves to you that your muscles were challenged and from that, will grow and become stronger.

The symbol for crisis in Chinese is made up of the symbol of both danger and opportunity.

The A B C X Model
This model illustrates how family stress and crisis actually can be beneficial in the long run.
A represents the actual event
B represents both the resources and the responses
C represents the cognition
X represents the experience

So, A influences both B and C and together, B and C influence the actual outcome and experience which is X.

Now let's look at it on a broader spectrum

Now that you've had one crisis or large stress, you know what resources are available and you know how to react to the problem.

So, your previous experience will now influence your next experience.

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