
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

But Sunday Will Come

Christ was crucified on a Friday. It was a dark day filled with sadness. People cried, mourned, and felt that nothing could ever get better. However, three days later, was Sunday. This was the day that Christ was resurrected. He came back with glory. People felt joy again. They were happy and it was a bright day.

Let's compare this to our lives. We've all had a dark Friday. We felt much sorrow and maybe didn't know how we would cope or move on. Some of us have been blessed to feel the brightness and warmth of a bright Sunday. Some of us haven't felt that warmth yet. Whatever your case may be, always know that Sunday will come. Everything will be okay; maybe different, but okay.

If the case is that you've lost a close loved one, always remember that they are still here. They are still watching over us and they will never leave. They are here to help us and to watch over us and keep us safe. Our Savior, Jesus Christ made all of this possible. What a blessing to know of the wonderful Plan of Happiness.

Here is a Mormon Message from a talk given by Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin called "Sunday Will Come." It is a great message!

Or watch it on YouTube here:

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